With a double major in Animation and Cinematic Arts, Haley Gansert holds a high interest in various forms of media including film and television, gaming, anime, web content, and photography. She has held numerous roles in pre-production, filming, and post production that included tasks such as storyboard artist, production designer, director, and editor.
With an interest in media stemming from a family of filmmakers in China, Haley received her first introduction in Advanced Digital Media class and AP Art in High School which became the platform for her course studies once in college. She spent a year studying film abroad at University of Westminster in London and worked on multiple short films, one of which was nominated for the Student BAFTA, as both the preproduction and production team. While being a full time student, Haley has maintained several media related jobs, including three years as the visual content developer of the media department at a private major organization, and storyboard artist/editor for several feature length animated projects.
She currently works full time at Titmouse Inc Animation Studio as an animatic editors for projects such as Mao Mao Heroes of Pure Heart, Star Trek Lower Decks, and Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures.